Return to sender
Some people just can’t stay away ? We are thrilled to welcome back three familiar faces to SQLI Nordics! In a world where returning to your former employer is a rarity, we are excited to share the stories of Christian, Martin and Niclas, who previously left the company but recently decided that SQLI was the place they wanted to be after all. Returning with new experiences, fresh perspectives and new roles, we couldn’t be happier to welcome them back.
We sat down with Christian, Martin, and Niclas to have a talk and better understand why they wanted to return. And we soon saw that their individual and various reasons reflect the unique qualities of our organization.
1. The SQLI Nordics Spirit
SQLI Nordics is like a big family with a fun, positive vibe. As Niclas explains: “When I left, I really missed how we used to laugh a lot together in the office and our great evenings out in Gothenburg after work. This is why I’m delighted to be back”. This social aspect is also important to Martin who decided to come back because, as he confirms: “I really missed the great interactions I had with my colleagues and realized how important this is for me.
2. A Supportive Corporate Culture
This atmosphere has created a very supportive corporate culture, making communication very easy on a daily basis. For example, when you have a complex technical issue to solve or a difficult client problem to deal with, there is always someone willing to step in and help you find a solution. As Niclas points out: ‘Collaboration is important to all of us. We all work closely together on projects and once the job is done, we party!
3. Flexibility in Work
There is a lot of flexibility at SQLI Nordics. And this is something that motivated Christian to come back. As he explains: “Here, you have a lot of freedom in where and how you work and this appeals to a lot of people today, particularly since the pandemic.”
4. Growth Opportunities
As the company, formerly known as Star Republic, has become fully integrated into the SQLI Group, there are now exciting opportunities for people to grow professionally within this new international organization. Christian has come back to SQLI Nordics as a System Developer, Martin is working for us a Solutions Architect and Niclas is our new Strategy and Business Development Director. Niclas is really enjoying his new role of building a strategy for future growth, not only for SQLI Nordics but also for our clients. Martin’s new position as Solutions Architect also comes with additional responsibilities that are both challenging and rewarding: “I’m now more involved with the sales process, particularly from a technical perspective.” he explains. And Christian is learning so much more than before as he is working on a range of different projects. However, as he points out: “My team manager is great as she adapts my schedule to fit my way of working and reduce the need for too much context switching.”
A bright future ahead
Our three colleagues all feel very upbeat about what lies ahead for them at SQLI Nordics. They are confident about their future and look forward to evolving professionally and working with new people and on new projects right across the entire SQLI group. They believe that the great atmosphere they have here is important and see it as a key factor in their future success.
Although they all left the company for a while, they are now happy to be back. And as they say in Sweden "Borta bra men hemma bäst", which roughly translates as: "It’s good to be away, but home is best".