Digital Runner: The Facebook & Twitter contest by SQLI

In 2015, Didier Fauque (CEO of SQLI) is giving you the opportunity to win an iPad Air 2

With the New Year, comes the chance for you to participate in our brand new internet contest: The « Digital Runner ». This contest will take place exclusively on the social network pages of our 2 brands: SQLI Enterprise & WAX Interactive beginning on January 19th for 3 weeks. All internet users will be invited to bet on the running performance of our CEO, Didier Fauque.

2015 season: sqli in the starting blocks

New Year often rimes with new resolutions. What best to get back into shape after having fully enjoyed the winter feasts than a quick jogging?That is what our CEO will do on January 5th. After a high level overheating, Didier Fauque will start his 5 floor staircase rise of our Saint-Denis headquarters. His performance will be filmed & broadcast at the end of the contest. He also will be interviewed to give us his impressions before and after his run. The possibility will then be given to everyone to guess and bet on the performance of Didier Fauque. The graal for the person who will find the right time: an iPad Air 2.

A 100% social network contest – facebook & twitter

The launch of the Digital Runner contest will be given on January 19th at 10 AM sharp. All the web users will be able to place their bets until February 6th.Where & How to validate your bet?

  1. Become a Fan or a Follower of one our Facebook pages or twitter feeds (links down below).
  2. On the posts or tweets pinned on top of the pages or feeds during the 3 weeks of the contest 2 hints will be given to you.
  3. Then give your answer to the nearest hundredth of a second by commenting the facebook posts entitled >DIGITAL RUNNER< or by tweeting with the hashtag #SQLIDigitalRunner.

At the end of the contest, a winner will be drawn among the ones who gave the right answers. The suspense will end on February 9th 2015 on Facebook & Twitter with the unveiling of the video of the entire run.

May the best win!

All the addresses to bet:

