Thousands of products supported on the femina.Ch e-shopping platform

Tamedia Publications romandes wished to improve the distribution of its partners' items on its femina.ch website in October 2015. The key problem was to create a responsive design platform with minimal impact on the rest of the website and the ability to display hundreds of goods utilizing an existing foundation.


"With the number of partnerships increasing, we wanted to optimise the offer by improving our partners' visibility."

"At the beginning, our partners' products were displayed on the image carousel on the femina.ch website's homepage. The space was limited and could be optimized.

The idea was to then create a fully-fledged platform where all the products could be highlighted, before finding them on our referrer partners' website," explains Sophie Gygax, digital project manager at Tamedia Publications romandes.

“We met SQLI Switzerland WAX Interactive teams, and immediately appreciated their involvement and suggestions. We really felt that we were dealing with experts in their field.” - Sophie Gygax