[Ebook] Composable commerce

Customer expectations today are more demanding than ever. Consumers expect fast, personalized, and seamless experiences across all channels when they interact with a brand. So why move to composable commerce? Download our ebook and find out!

Constant change can be difficult for digital merchants who often find themselves limited by outdated technology. Luckily, advancements in technology have been able to meet these expectations the past years: this is where composable commerce comes into the picture.

What is Composable Commerce?

Composable commerce is an architectural approach to building digital experiences piece by piece. It can be compared to using a set of Lego, where each brick has a different digital ability and can be moved around and re-configured on a continuous basis to meet different business needs. This implies that the architecture you establish today could appear significantly different within a year as you expand and customize its components to provide what is essential to your customers.

It’s all about giving brands the possibility to quickly change their tech stack based on their requirements. Some of the world’s tech leaders, such as Netflix and Amazon, have built their business based on a composable platform, enabling them to stay one step ahead of the competition.

Go download this ebook

In the ebook you'll learn:

What is the difference between deadless and composable? Have you considered what architecture best fits the future growth and needs of your business?


These are just some of the digital-age posers SQLI attempts to unpick in this whitepaper. Composable or not Composable? Now, that is the question

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