[Event] What are the must-haves for future-proof Field Service Management?
As a business which employs technical profiles who work in the field, installing and maintaining technical products, a good service management tool is an absolute must. Discover the possibilities of SAP FSM at our event on 15th March, and make your field service management future-proof.
What’s on the agenda for our FSM event, in collaboration with SAP?
9 AM – 9.30 AM: Breakfast and networking opportunity
9.30 AM – 12 PM: FSM Sessions
How does the tool work for your customer service?
Presentation & demonstration of the capabilities of the FSM solution
Learn how SAP & AI can improve your maintenance
Give your call center agent the possibility to book the best time slot
What are our project experiences based on several cases, among which SWDE
12 PM: Networking lunch with your peers
Always wondered how you can maximize your service management, so it becomes an asset to your customers? SAP and SQLI, an SAP trusted partner, are organizing a demonstration and networking event just to show you how this cloud solution works and can benefit your business. From efficient planning of your technicians, over the mobile application – which allows technicians on the road to update your customer on the day, to the integration into and optimization of your current CRM. Let’s make your service management more future-proof.
Join us and we’ll provide the food for thought, and the actual food too.