Applying Genchi Genbutsu to CRO to find causes of User Frustration

Want to ace CRO? Embrace Genchi Genbutsu, and observe user frustrations through recorded sessions for unparalleled understanding. In this article, we reveal how this hands-on approach leads to successful optimization.

Genchi Genbutsu is a Japanese term translating to "real location, real thing", which embodies a powerful principle promoted by Toyota's visionary Taiichi Ohno. Its essence lies in directly observing a problem, facilitating faster and more effective understanding and resolution. Rather than relying on analytics data alone, it encourages firsthand experience to grasp the genuine situation.

Identifying frustration signals

Website frustration signals are the telltale signs that users encounter obstacles, inefficiencies, or confusing elements while navigating a website. These signals can manifest in various forms, a common one is users repeatedly clicking on a button out of frustration – so called rage clicks. Genchi Genbutsu advises us to "Go to the real place and see for yourself" what causes the frustrations

See for yourself

Find the associated replays and replay the user sessions that included frustration. The cause of the frustrated behaviour will often become clear when you observe the actual user behaviour.


Replay user session to see what caused their frustration in Contentsquare

Detect UX anomalies at scale

Without help, those frustration signals are lost in the millions of data points that are available to you. Luckily, your customer experience analysis platform can pinpoint those website visits where users exhibit frustration signals, like clicking in rage on buttons when the buttons don’t work as expected.

For example, Contentsquare, shows the frustration signals in a prioritised list

Contentsquare can also show the frustration signals in the context of a specific user’s journey

Get notified immediately with alerts

Reviewing a comprehensive analytics report every week you can be too late to address emerging issues. Implementing alerts to notify your team of behavioral anomalies, such as rage clicks, will help you be agile. These alerts have the ability to discern regular metric trends and fluctuations from abnormal patterns, providing timely insights into potential problems that require attention.

Automatic alerts can be easily configured in Contentsquare

Incorporating the wisdom of Genchi Genbutsu into your CRO strategy

By going beyond traditional analytics and directly observing user frustrations on your website, you gain invaluable insights into the real pain points faced by your visitors. The key to successful CRO lies in understanding your users on a deeper level by observing their sessions to better address their frustrations.

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Request an exclusive trial with our team of digital experience experts. Start identifying and fixing pesky user frustrations at scale, boosting the customer experience!

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