Pink background, two hands holding white cosmetics bottles

Health & Beauty

Ravishing ROI results on Black Friday: this is how we create success

Competing with retailers on Black Friday and Cyber Monday is always a challenge. But with good preparation and constant monitoring, the outcome can be spectacular. Like for one of our health & beauty brands, who launched a dedicated discount campaign and got very good results.

White bottles of cosmetics without branding, with a pink graph arrow rising up behind them

Black Friday & Cyber Monday campaign 

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the retail highlights of the year, so as an online retailer of health and beauty products, our customer wanted to make the most of this opportunity by launching a special promotion on Meta and Google with specific assets ranging from videos to banners.  

Our magic mix for this campaign

Everything starts with a great strategy, and thanks to our steady and loyal client relationship we were able to tailor the strategy for this Black Friday and Cyber Monday campaign exactly to their target audiences.  

Our active ingredients included:  

  • An effective mix of platforms with Meta and Google Performance Max. 

  • The selected products were ideal to push during this period.  

  • Continuous monitoring and optimizing, so we could maximize the return. 

What were the KPIs?  

The campaign flow followed the classic funnel of Awareness-Consideration-Conversion, with assets published on Google’s Performance Max and Meta.  

During the campaign we would monitor the following KPIs:  

  • Impressions 
  • Clicks 
  • Add to carts 
  • Purchases  

What were the results?  

Even with a modest media budget, the results were excellent. In total, the ROAS was 7.07 which means that for every euro spent on advertising, there was at least a return of €7.  

Our star player was Meta because of lower costs, a higher CTA than our initial benchmarks and also a high conversion rate for the “add to carts” and “purchases” KPIs. We also noticed quite a bit of conversion in the Awareness phase, which showed that our targeting was on point from the start.  

Our learnings for future campaigns 

Because we always strive to improve results, these are the insights that we will be taking to the next health & beauty campaign for this brand:  

  • More campaigns and always-on content to maximize the return during promotional campaigns 

  • The introduction of shopping campaigns for e-Commerce to involve some more machine-learning and algorithmic optimizations too.  


If you need some help optimizing your retail campaigns, so your ROI is something to be proud of, we are happy to help. Drop us a line below, and we’ll contact you faster than you can say “shopaholic on a spree”.  

Unleash your product potential with our help

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