An open laptop displaying the new website for client IHM Business School created by SQLI Nordics

Renewed, redesigned, re-launched

From Data to Decisions: How IHM Business School is Redefining E-Commerce Strategy

An open laptop displaying the new website of IHM Business School on a pink background

At the core of IHM Business School is a commitment to continuous learning and curiosity, essential traits for any thriving business in today's digital economy. This ethos ensures that our collaboration transcends traditional service exchanges, aligning instead with strategic business development and innovation. 

Strategic Partnerships in Technology and User Experience 

Over the years, our partnership has consistently aimed to elevate and evolve IHM Business School's operational strategies. Most recently, we've enhanced both the technological framework and the overall user experience, crucial for e-commerce and IT managers looking to streamline operations and boost user engagement. 

Upgrading to a Headless Architecture 

Technologically, our focus has been on upgrading IHM’s current systems to the latest version of Optimezly and integrating our proprietary Ignite framework to adopt a headless architecture. This shift not only facilitates a decoupled frontend but also unlocks new possibilities for scalability and customization—key for e-commerce platforms seeking agility and a competitive edge. 

Data-Driven Design and Decision Making 

Our approach to enhancing user experience involves a close collaboration between UX specialists and Data Insight teams, adopting a rigorous, data-driven methodology.  
Recognizing the importance of informed decision-making, both our team and IHM Business School leverage real customer data and behavioral insights to drive our strategies, ensuring that our solutions are not only innovative but also directly aligned with user needs and business goals. 

Process Optimization 

Our process begins by mapping out key user journeys, then eliminating any elements that do not add value, thereby simplifying and optimizing the user interface. This method is particularly effective in helping e-commerce and IT managers quickly navigate through the offerings and find solutions that are directly relevant to their business challenges. 

Proven Results with Headless Solutions 

The implementation of a headless architecture, combined with a data-centric workflow, has positioned IHM Business School to significantly enhance its digital presence. The new system not only improves the customer experience but also offers the flexibility needed to adapt to changing market demands swiftly. 

Efficient Design Principles: Less is More 

Our minimalist and focused design philosophy ensures that the primary functions are front and center, enhancing usability and reducing operational friction. This streamlined approach is particularly beneficial for e-commerce platforms, where efficiency drives conversion. 

As we continue our collaborative journey, we are constantly learning and adapting, seeking even better solutions to empower more businesses, helping e-commerce and IT leaders to implement educational solutions that significantly impact their professional landscape.